The code below will capture the contents of a TWebBrower's client area into a bitmap and save it to a specified file. Depending on the nature of your logged sites, a GIF or PNG image will indeed save substantial disk space.
To support PNG format, I recommend to install this free TPNGImage component:
Assign the TBitmap to the TPNGObject and use the SaveToFile() method as shown in the sample code below. You'll probably save 90% disk space.
To support PNG format, I recommend to install this free TPNGImage component:
Assign the TBitmap to the TPNGObject and use the SaveToFile() method as shown in the sample code below. You'll probably save 90% disk space.
program Dummy; uses PNGImage, // for the best PNG support ActiveX; procedure TForm1.SaveWebBrowserScreenshot(wb: TWebBrowser; FileName: TFileName); var ViewObject: IViewObject; rec: TRect; b: TBitmap; begin { TForm1.SaveWebBrowserScreenshot } if wb.Document<>nil then begin wb.Document.QueryInterface(IViewObject, ViewObject); if ViewObject<>nil then try b := TBitmap.Create; try rec := Rect(0, 0, wb.Width, wb.Height); b.Height := wb.Height; b.Width := wb.Width; ViewObject.Draw(DVASPECT_CONTENT, 1, nil, nil, Self.Handle, b.Canvas. Handle, @rec, nil, nil, 0); // use the following line to save it as a BMP image file // b.SaveToFile(aFileName); // use the following line to save it as a PNG image file with TPngObject.Create do begin Assign(b); SaveToFile(aFileName); Free; end; finally b.Free; end; { try } finally ViewObject._Release; end; { try } end; { wb.Document<>nil } end; { TForm1.SaveWebBrowserScreenshot } begin .. end. | ||